Prints and Licensing

Fine Art Prints


All fine art prints are produced under the direction of the artist using museum-quality archival materials. Each print is signed, numbered, and comes with a certificate of authenticity. With proper mounting and care the print will retain its quality for a lifetime. We utilize 2 Epson 44" wide large-format printers (SureColor P9000, Stylus Pro 9900). The P9000 uses the Epson UltraChrome HDX 10-Color pigment inkset and the Stylus Pro 9900 uses the Jon Cone Piezography Pro B&W carbon inkset. A wide variety of Epson, Hahnemuhle, and Lexjet papers, canvas, and films are available for use.

Prints are provided unframed and in most cases, framing or custom mount options are available.

While our primary method of output is ink on paper, we have the capability of mounting archival prints to various substrates including Sintra, Dibond, and acrylic using laminating adhesives and protective over-laminates.

Our online store Doug Eng Editions features prints from several projects, plus books and folios. Please inquire about prints from any of the other projects.

Image Licensing

Most images are available for commercial standard and custom applications. Image licensing can be provided for multiple and one-time printing on alternative substrates or production by third parties.

Art Consultants and Designers

We have an extensive image archive of Southeast regional locations for healthcare, hospitality, and corporate applications, in addition to many National Park and international locations. Please contact the studio for a link to our stock collection and/or a customized selection based on your requirements. A pricing/commission schedule is also available.